Skill merupakan kemampuan menggunakan
bahasa dalam tindak tutur (speech act) guna melasungkan suatu
komunikasi atau interaksi dalam konteks pragmatik. Sesuai dengan
fungsi pragmatik, yaitu untuk berkomunikasi, tindak tutur bahasa
meliputi kemampuan menyampaikan pikiran dan perasaan kepada orang
lain, cara-cara mengungkapkan sopan santun, cara-cara memberi
nasihat, anjuran, perintah permohonan, dan peringatan, tata cara
memberi salam, berkenalan, meminta maaf, cara mengungkapkan
keheranan, ketidaksetujuan, kepastian, keraguan, kekhawatiran,
berterimakasih, mengajak, dll beserta cara memberi respon terhadap
tindak tutur diatas.
(Tegur Sapa/Salam)
dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti tegur sapa, digunakan
untuk menyapa seseorang pada waktu bertemu. Berikut ini cara
penggunaan greeting beserta cara meresponnya.
Sapaan Respon Arti
Morning Good
Morning Selamat pagi
pada waktu bertemu
seseorang antara pukul
01.00 sampai 11.00
day Good day Selamat siang
pada waktu tengah
afternoon Good afternoon Selamat sore
pada waktu bertemu
seseorang antara pukul
13.00 sampai 18.00
evening Good evening Selamat malam
pada waktu bertemu
seseorang antara pukul
18.00 sampai 24.00
Untuk berpisah/meninggalkan seseorang, lazimnya
Good bye Good bye Selamat tinggal
ketika akan berpisah
Good night Good night Selamat berpisah
diucapkan di
malam hari, yang artinya
selamat tidur
*Beberapa cara menyampaikan greeting yang lainnya
adalah: Hi, Hello untuk perjumpaan dan
Bye bye, Cherio, see you, so long untuk berpisah
(leave taking) jawabannya sama dengan
Untuk menanyakan keadaan seseorang digunakan ungkapan
- Hi/Hello
- How do you do?
Dipakai tatkala pertama kali
- How are you?
- How are you doing?
- How is it going on?
- How is life?
- How have you been?
(Apa kabar?)
- How do you do?
- Ok, thanks
- Fine, thank you
- I'm fine thank you
- Very well, thanks
- I'm very well, thank you
- Pretty good, thanks
(Baik-baik saja, terima kasih)
- Just so so, I'm afraid
- Not too bad, I'm afraid
(Biasa-biasa saja, saya rasa)
- Not too well/good, I'm afraid. I've a
bit of a cold
(Tidak terlalu baik, saya rasa. Saya
agak flu)
Memperkenalkan diri sendiri
Ungkapan pengantar yang lazim digunakan untuk
memperkenalkan diri antara lain:
- I'd like to introduce myself, .........................................
- May I introduce myself, ..............................................
- Let me introduce myself, ............................................
- I want to introduce myself, .........................................
Memperkenalkan orang lain
Ungkapan pengantar untuk memperkenalkan orang lain yang
satu kepada yang lainnya antara lain:
- I'd like you to meet .................... (nama)
- This is my friend/boss/manager/etc, ................ (nama)
- Have you met ................ (nama)
- May I introduce you to ..............
- Let me introduce you to ...............
- I want to introduce you to ................
(Mengucapkan Terima Kasih)
adalah cara
mengemukakan rasa terima kasih/ucapan terima kasih. Dalam bahasa
Inggris ucapan
kasih di lakukan seperti berikut:
- Thanks
- Thank you
- Thank you
very much
- Thanks for
the lift
untuk tumpanganya)
- Thank you
very much for your kindness
kasih banyak atas kebaikan anda)
- I'm grateful
for your help
haturkan terimakasih atas bantuan
- Thank
you/you're welcome
- That's all
- Not at all
- Don't mention
- That's Ok
- Not at all
kembali) *merendah
- Any time
for Help (Memohon Bantuan)
Untuk memohon bantuan dapat dipergunakan
ungkapan-ungkapan sebagai berikut:
- Would you ............................... (V1/be) ?
- I wonder you could .......................... (V1/be) ?
- Could you ............................... (V1/be) ?
- Do you mind .................................. (V-ing) ?
- Would you mind ............................ (V-ing) ?
- Would you post this letter for me?
- I wonder you could help me?
- Could you turn on the fan for me. Please?
- Would you mind lending me some money?
Respon untuk mengabulkan/meniyakan tiga permohonan diata
adalah Okay, certainly, off course, sure dan untuk menolaknya
digunakan ungkapan I am sorry. Sementara untuk
mengiyakan/mengabulkan dua permohonan yang terakhir digunakan
ungkapan Not at all, all right, of course not, sementara untuk
menolaknya dapat digunakan ungkapan yes, I am sorry, I believe so.
Help (Menawarkan Bantuan)
Untuk menawarkan bantuan dapat di gunakan
ungkapan-ungkapan berikut:
- May I help you? - What can I do for you? - Let me help you!
- Can I help you? - Could I help you? - Shall I ... ?
(Meminta Maaf)
Apologies adalah ucapan untuk meminta maaf,
dilakukan apabila seseorang telah melakukan kesalahan kepada orang
lain. Berikut ini cara mengucapkan permintaan maaf dan cara
Nabila : I am sorry
Nizam : That's all right
Detty : I am really sorry
Tina : Not at all
Student : I am sorry for coming late.
(Maaf atas keterlambatan saya)
Teacher : That's all right
(Tidak apa apa)
memohon maaf, selain ungkapan I am sorry, dapat juga kita gunakan I
appologize, forgive me please, excuse me, pardon me.
untuk permintaan maaf yang berarti mau memaafkan adalah: Not
at all, That's right, no problem atau it doesn't matter,
sedangkan apabila seseorang merasa jengkel/marah (tidak mau
memaafkan) digunakan ekspresi So
you should be.
advice and Suggestion
1. Untuk memberikan nasehat, lazimnya kita menggunakan
S + + V1
Ought to
- You should tell me the truth.
- (I think) you ought to try another method.
- I think it is useful if we want to make our advice more forceful.
2. Jika anda ingin memberikan nasehat secara tegas
(giving advice firmly), anda bisa gunakan
ungkapan berikut:
-You'd better .......
- I think you'd better .......
- You'd better go now.
- I think you'd better tell her.
Jika anda ingin memberikan nasehat yang serious, maka
gunakanlah ungkapan “I advise you to .... “
atau “I strongly advise you to ... “
- I advise you to consult a doctor.
- I strongly advise you to be careful with the snake.
I think you should consider it again
I'd join it if I were you
It might be an idea to ......
You'd better tell your parents soon.
I reckon you should/shouldn't .......
Why don't you .... ?
You right.
Thanks for your advice.
Good idea, thanks.
I think so, Thanks a lot.
I see, thanks
Thanks a million for your advice.
Expressing warning ada dua:
1. Weak Warning (peringatan yang lemah/biasa-biasa saja)
- You shouldn't ......
- You oughtn't to .......
- I don't think you ought to ......
- I don't think you should .......
- I don't think thank that you should make your room in mess.
- You shouldn't drink hot water.
2. Strong Warning (Peringata yang kuat/keras)
- Don't ......
- Whatever you do, don't .......
- Don't open the window. It's broken!
- Whatever you do, don't touch the button!
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang lain:
- Look!
- Be careful!
- These tables should be kept out of the reach of children!
- Take care when you drive!
- Do the test carefully!
- Make sure you don't ....!
- Mind your....!
- Yes, I will. Thanks for warning me.
- Thanks for the warning. I'll be very careful.
- I'll remember that, thanks.
- Don't worry. I know that.
Prohibition adalah cara-cara melarang
melakukan sesuatu, merupakan kebalikan dari suruhan dan permohonan.
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, melarang umumnya diungkapkan dengan “Jangan
...!” atau “tidak boleh ...!”
Bila yang dilarangnya berupa kegiatan, digunakanlah
“Don't + V1” dan bila yang dilarangnya berupa kata-kata
sifat, gunakanlah Don't be .... (+ adjective/adverb).
- Don' go away!
- Don't smoke here!
- Don't tell a lie!
- Don't be lazy!
- Don't be careless!
- Don't be afraid!
Respon untuk prohibition adalah “No, I won't...”
yang berarti sanggup/bersedia mematuhi larangan, dan “but I
will...” yang berarti tidak mau mematuhi larangan itu.
Dinny : Don't smoke cigarretes!
Fanny : No, I won't.
Rina : Don't swim in the river!
Dendi : But I will.
Eget : Don't forget me!
Fanny : No, I won't.
Dapat pula menggunakan ungkapan: “You must
not...”;”You are not allowed to...”;”I forbid you to...”;
“I am afraid I can't let you....”; “You are not permitted
Invitation digunakan untuk mengajak
melakukan sesuatu. Ungkapan ajakan lazimnya dinyatakan dengan
“Let's..... (V1/be+kata sifat)”; “Why don't we....?”; “How
about....?”; Would you care for....?”; “I'd like to invite you
to...”; “Would you like to...?”; I wonder if you'd like
Unie : Let's speak English! Dinot : Let's smoke!
Eget : Alright, let's. Rina : No, Let's not!
Untuk menyatakan bersedia, selain alright dapat
pula digunakan ungkapan That's good idea; I'd love to; I'd like
very much; I'd be happy/glad to accept; Yes, I'd be delighted to.
Invitation dapat juga disertai dengan bentuk penegasan
(Question tag), seperti berikut:
Vivien : Let's go to the beach, shall we?
Ella : That's good idea.
Novi : Let's be happy, shall we?
Ame : Alright, let's.
for Opinion (Meminta Pendapat)
Pendapat Memberi Pendapat
- What do you think of/about . . .? I think that . . .
- What is your opinion of/about . . .? I believe that . . .
- What is your view on . . .? I feel that . . .
- What do you say about . . .? In my opinion . . .I don't really know it.I guess . . .
Sympathy (Menyatakan Rasa Simpati)
Ungkapan-ungkapan rasa simpati atas malapetaka/musibah
yang dialami orang lain diantaranya:
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Oh, that's too bad. I am sorry to hear it.
- That's a shame.
- How awful!
- How terrible!
- How horrible!
- Poor!
Sendy : My father is in hospital. He is going to have
an operation.
Eldy : I'm sorry to hear that.
Yully : I scratched the door of his new car.
Imell : Oh that's too bad.
soal Latihan Kompetensi
Fungsional (Functional Skill)
1. Karina : Congratulation, Rani! You're really the
best Sundanese dancer.
Rani : No, not at all. I just want to
share what I know.
The underlined expression mean that Rani ________
(A) can;t deny that
(B) really wished to become a good dancer.
(C) didn't believe Karina
(D) agreed with Karina
(E) wanted to say that Karina was wrong
2. Syfa : I have never seen such a beautiful wedding
Ina : _______, it was really great.
(A) I got it now
(B) I wouldn't say that
(C) I was very satisfied
(D) I quite disagree
(E) I am very happy to hear that
3. Shinta : I haven't read today's newspaper. Would
you mind lending me yours, Evi?
Evi : Here you are.
The closest meaning for the underlined expression
is _________.
(A) Shinta asks Evi to lend her a newspaper
(B) Evi wishes Shinta lent her a newspaper
(C) Shinta wants Evi to lend her a newspaper
(D) Evi plans to lend her a newspaper
(E) Shinta wants to read a newspaper
4. Frisca : It's cloudy. Do you think it's going to
Nia : ________. We are going to watch a
football match, aren;t we?
(A) I hope not (D) I am not sure
(B) I don't believe it (E) I don't think so
(C) I couldn't believe it
5. Deni : How do you like our uniform, Sir?
Yoga : Wonderful! _____________.
(A) I really like it (D) I am a bit disapointed
(B) I am certain about it (E) I don't think so
(C) I was sorry about it
6. Mother : Dede, could you get me some salt, please?
Dede : Sure, mom. Here you are.
The underlined expression means that ________.
(A) Dede takes some salt for his mother
(B) Mother wants to have some salt
(C) Mother hopes Dede to get some salt
(D) Dede requests his mother to get some salt
(E) Mother asks Dede to get some salt
7. Rima spilled some milk on the table
Mother : See what you have done!
Rima : _______, I didnt mean it. It's my fault.
(A) Certainly (D) Oh, I'm sorry
(B) Yes, thankyou (E) I don't know
(C) What's happening
8. Imelda : Mother this is my friend, Mario.
Mother : ____________ Pleased to meet you.
(A) How are you?
(B) Is it your name?
(C) Well, great your name.
(D) I've been waiting for you.
(E) How do you do?
9. Nabila : Hi, Nizam. I haven't seen you for a long
time where have you been?
Nizam : I've been to Ujungberung. I've got a job.
I've been working for a logging
Nabila : Really? _______________.
(A) Good you are
(B) I'm glad to hear that
(C) Oh my God
(D) I'm sorry to hear that
(E) That's alright
10. Dadang : I'd like to go on sightseeing this
What about you, Yadi? Will you
accompany me?
Yadi : __________, What time shall we start?
(A) Yes sure (C) See you later (E) forgive me
(B) Excuse me (D) Not at all
11. Bagas : Mom, I am invited to Yulia's birthday party.
Is it alright?
Mom : _______, but be home before 12.
(A) You willgo (D) You had to go
(B) You may go (E) Do you have to go
(C) Should you go
12. Dendi : I'd like you to help me market my product.
If you are succesful, I'll give you 20%
of the profit.
Jim : ___________. When can I start?
(A) Wait a minute (C) Be sensible (E) It's deal
(B) I don't mind (D) That's not fair
13. Dadang : Do you think that publishing this news will
mean a huge increase in our sales
Sopian : ___________, but it's worth considering.
(A) I agree (C) I don't think so (E) I am not
(B) I appreciate it (D) I am confused
14. Wikantasasmita : Do you think that monetary crisis
will soon come to an end?
Jayawisastra : _________, this condition
won't be back to normal within one or
two years.
(A) I am fed up with the news (D) I am sorry to
hear that
(B) It is not my business (E) It would be
(C) It's very unlikely
15. Passenger : Is it allowed to bring a
bird on the plane?
Custom officer : I am sorry, that is not
The underlined utterance expresses _____________.
(A) regret (C) admiration (E) prohibition
(B) caution (D) permition
16. Juni : Do you know my cousin Bob?
Kiki : Sure, I haven't heard about him for a long
Juni : He will get married next Sunday.
Kiki : No, I'm not.
(A) Can I see you at the wedding party
(B) Will you be attending his party
(C) Are you also invited
(D) Do you feel like going to his party
(E) Do you mind going to the wedding party with me
17. Mother : When the price of petrol rises, the price
of all basic commodities follows to rise.
It always happens like this.
Father : ___________ that our income will be
sufficient if there is no increas in our salary.
(A) I am sure (C) I am pleased (E) It's certain
(B) I doubt (D) It's possible
18. Ines : Why are you sleepy in class?
Ina : Do I look sleepy, nes?I am not sleepy,
but I have a painful stomachache.
Ines : You should go to the doctor. Come on
I'll accompany you.
The underlined words express _______
(A) disagreement (D) satisfaction
(B) offering (E) advice
(C) obligation
19. “Watch the TV tonight. My daughter is on TV
channel 5 at eight. She always makes me happy.”
“Sure, I will.”
From the underlined words we know that the first
speaker fels _____ her daughter.
(A) proud of (D) disappointed at
(B) angry with (E) doubtful about
(C) worried about
20. A: Have you heard that uncle Joe will come next
B: Oh, really? When did he tell you?
A: Last week.
The underlined sentence is used to express _______
(A) happines (D) enjoyment
(B) pleasure (E) curiousity
(C) surprise
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